Monday, April 30, 2007

Convey Message

There are 3 persons, a blind, a deaf, and a dumb respectively. On a certain ill-fated day, the deaf, outrages the modesty of the blindperson's wife and the whole episode was watched by the dumb. He however conveyed the message to the blind person. How could he have done it? The dumb cannot speak or if he manages to pass on the information through sign language, unfortunately, the blind cannot see it. However he succeeded in conveying the message to the blind and the question is how did he accomplish the task?


It is a beautiful puzzle because the dumb cannot convey the message orally. If he tried the 'sign language' and did some gestures, the blind cannot 'see' it. What an unfortunate situation!! Yet, the dumb conveyed the news successfully to the blind person. 'Astonishing', well, he conveyed the message to the blind through 'BRAILLE' system.This is the only possible way to have been communicated.


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